We provide a systematic overview of the use of pragmatic randomized trials in multiple sclerosis. Please find the open access publication here: 10.1177/13524585231221938.
We provide a systematic overview of the use of pragmatic randomized trials in multiple sclerosis. Please find the open access publication here: 10.1177/13524585231221938.
Our rationale and design publication outlines the detailed methdological approach of PragMeta. Please find the open access publication here: 10.1186/s13063-023-07474-y.
Our preprint on the PragMeta rationale and design outline has been published on Research Square: https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-2515075/v1
In the linked manuscript, we state the methods that we apply in multiple modules that feed the PragMeta database, give a detailed overview of our data workflow, and provide a comprehensive list of extraction variables.
9. July 2020 — Comments are off for this post.
We are proud to announce the start of an exciting new project aiming to provide a better understanding of the pragmatic and explanatory determinants in randomized clinical trials that may impact the generation and interpretation of real world evidence.
As we write, we are working to enhance the content of the website that will centralized all information relevant to the project as well as related resources on pragmatic trials. We will soon give a full access to our database, so stay tuned!
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